Customers – Responsibilities
Members and Customers Responsibilities
- Members must sign customer contracts and membership applications when services are transferred or when new service hook-up are requested.
- As part of being a member of the Gas Co-op, member signed Contracts and Utility Right of Way requires you to grant access to properties to extend pipelines from your land to a neighboring property requesting gas service.
- Report any stopped meters as soon as you suspect this could be possible
- Report any natural gas odours when you first detect them, inside or out.
- G.L.D.C. Co-op deals with landowners and holds landowners responsible for the gas used on their property. If landowners rent out properties, the Co-op will allow the account to be switched into the tenants name. GLDC Gas Co-op holds the contract with the landowner, therefore, the landowner is fully responsible for outstanding balances should tenants fail to keep the account in good standing.
- Members must maintain their gas account in good standing with the Co-op